Thursday, January 5, 2012

Day 5 of 30-Day Charity Challenge

Charity does not only mean non-profit charities

Giving is giving. Today I got a message on Facebook saying "Hey everyone Grandma's Ceiva needs a new subscription costing 160 dollars." Ceiva is a present someone gave grandma a couple years ago that displays pictures you can send to her as a slideshow. When I found out a new subscription was needed I thought PERFECT! I needed a day 5 give. So today, some cousins and I gave $15.55 to make sure gma gets her pics. Its great for someone like me who doesn't  get to visit a lot. I can get on the website and send her some current pics of me and Jaime. Like I said before giving is giving, whether it be for charity or for complete strangers, or family it's still giving.

1 comment:

  1. I was hoping you would count this for your giving project! You helped give the subscription by paying for part of it, and everytime you send her a picture, you are giving time and effort to make your Grandma feel loved by you!! :) Loving your family is the best thing to give!
    ALSO you gave a little bit to all of your cousins, because if you hadn't gone in on it, we all would have spent more of our own money.
    So thank you from me!
