Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 16 of 30-Day Charity Challenge

Friends Helping Friends
Today I came up with the idea to do something for a friend who has gone through some tough times. My friend Paul from work recently had to undergo surgery to remove a tumor from his intestines. Everything seemed to go okay, but now he will be stuck at home for weeks to come. I thought to myself; how boring that would be and thought he must need some things to keep him busy. While I was at work tonight, I collected some money from some of Paul's other work friends and purchased some movies and a gift card so he could buy books on his Nook. Paul is a great guy and he would definitely do the same for anyone else. He has a wife and young child at home so I'm sure being out of commission is driving him crazy. Books and movies may be a small gesture, but I hope they can at least keep him busy during his weeks of recovery.

1 comment:

  1. Jeff - I read the article in the DMRegister, and was both pleased and inspired by your intent. Congratulations to you - and best wishes for your future. I'm now considering doing something similar to the 100 men initiative - gathering a group of friends for an evening and "charging" them a minimum of $10 for the evening. We could brainstorm ideas for our group charitable initiative, and then select a charity as a group before the evening is over. My wife and I are in the middle of putting together a group of 10-20 couples who might be interested, and willing to take turns hosting.
